The Darryl Mobley Show: Your Life Coach On The Radio PODCAST

Time Management is Still a Thing - The Darryl Mobley Show: Your Life Coach on the Radio with guest Max Zieky

Darryl L. Mobley, Life Coach / Max Zieky Season 3 Episode 19

Is “time management” still a thing? Yes. Yes it is. Why? Because for each of us, the clock of life (which you may hear in this podcast) is ticking. 

In this wide-ranging conversation with Max Zieky, an executive at Dell Technologies, we cover the waterfront of ideas. But all roads led back to time. 

How much you have. How you use it. 

[For those who want to jump past the very interesting context Max shares regarding what time means to him, just go to the 12 minute mark and listen from there.]

One big takeaway – Without effective time management – that is, choicefully shaping your use of time around what you truly value – professional success will destroy you and your personal life.

As a life and executive coach with clients across the country and around the world, I often have the opportunity to have great conversations with interesting people. That’s why I know that you will also enjoy the back and forth between Max and me as we discussed:

  • the most powerful formative experiences of his life before he left college, 
  • fears he deals with as he tries to take his career to the next level, 
  • his weaknesses, 
  • what failure has taught him, 
  • advice he’d give to other former college athletes who want to become successful in their corporate careers, 
  • whether being a corporate executive is more difficult because he’s married, 
  • what life has taught him…so far, 
  • the one thing that he did not know before he entered the corporate world that he wished he’d known, and 
  • the one thing that he did not know before he became a father that he wished he’d known.

This episode is for all those facing the challenge of balancing work and personal life with professional goals.

What is the one thing YOU did not know before entering the corporate world, that you wish you had known? Please share your answers with me at

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Enjoy Life!

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Enjoy Life!