The Darryl Mobley Show: Your Life Coach On The Radio PODCAST
You Deserve to Live Your Best Life! Be Happy AND Successful. Darryl L. Mobley, lauded as "America's Best Life Coach," shares powerful insights on steps you can take to live happier, achieve your goals, and become more successful -- personally and professionally, and sits down with his guests - thoughtleaders & innovators - to discuss their solutions to life's challenges. There is no psychobabble. If you want to hear great advice on relationships, career, fitness, parenting, health, business, motivation, getting unstuck, staying motivated, or you want reinforcement as you navigate life - - this is the Life Coach podcast for you. As Coach Mobley says, "No negativity allowed," and "Enjoy Life!" Contact Coach Mobley at >> http://CoachMobley.com.
The Darryl Mobley Show: Your Life Coach On The Radio PODCAST
Lie versus Lie. The 10 Lies Women Tell Men and Men Tell Women - The Darryl Mobley Show: Your Life Coach on the Radio with guest Elizabeth Overstreet
"Lie versus Lie. The 10 Lies Women Tell Men and Men Tell Women," in this episode of The Darryl Mobley Show: Your Life Coach on the Radio. Epi. 20 / Season 3.
Today I am thrilled to have a conversation with Elizabeth Overstreet, the Love Strategist – about the lies in relationships.
In this masterclass on relationships, we cover the following, and a whole lot more besides the LIES…
- Lie # 8 (both the men’s lie and the women’s lie) will blow your mind.
- The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.
- You must love yourself because you cannot give what you don’t have.
- Having a child is not another item on your To-Do list.
- If you’re not getting along while you’re dating, get out of the relationship!
- Men start with the end in mind - - always.
- Success is about properly apportioning your time to the things most important to you
- Self-Love is Self-Accountability.
- How to control men.
- There are a lot of incomplete people connecting with other incomplete people and it still does not add up to a whole person.
- Part of who you attract is who you are.
- If you are looking for someone to complete you, you’re doomed.
- Why guys don’t make new friends once they’re fully adult.
- The power of the question, “Would you have him date your sister?”
- The power of the “gynecologist question.”
- In a relationship, you’re 50% of the problem and 100% of the solution.
- How you may be empowering others to mistreat you.
- What self-love is.
- Some people want to be the victim.
- You must get strong within yourself if you wish to live a happy, joyous life.
- What is as much a destructive habit as smoking, drinking, drugs…?
- About toxic relationships.
- How you revere time reflects the love you have for who you are and who you can become.
- What billionaire Warren Buffet says about who you choose.
- Can you love someone else and not love yourself?
- When “I love you” does not mean “I love you.”
- What “I love you” changes for men.
- The secret to being happily married for 80 years!
- The biggest, most harmful lie is…?
- What huge advice is on page 1 of the Book of Being a Guy?
- The role of gratitude in the relationship.
Lean forward. Take notes. Let’s get started!
This episode is for all those looking to achieve personal success and fantastic relationships.
What is the one thing YOU did not know about serious relationships before your got into one, that you wish you had known? Please share your answers with me at http://CoachMobley.com.
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Remember - You DO Deserve to live a great life!
Enjoy Life!
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I want you to Live Your Best Life.
Enjoy Life!